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您现在的位置: 万盛游戏攻略网 >> 文章中心 >> 单机游戏攻略 >> 《孤单枪手2征兵》秘籍中文翻译
2016-06-25 10:22:01


Alien Shooter 2: Conscription CHEAT CODES:(孤胆枪手2:征兵秘籍)


In game mode:(在游戏下输入)


remgamma          - remove gamma on the level(好像是使游戏边亮?)

stwin            - complete level successfully. (立即完成任务)

cheath            - gives 1000 hp. (给予1000生命值)

st1              - gives 15000 hp.(给予15000生命值)

st2              - invincibility.(加了个能量罩,貌似无敌)

stammo            - gives some ammo. (给50发子弹)

stexp or cheatexp - adds enough exp for getting new level.(输入stexp即可,加经验立即升1级)

cheats            - + 50 to the speed skill.(速度加50)

cheatw            - + 100 skills of weapons reloading.(效果未知)

stkk              - to kill all monsters withing a radius of 1000 pixels from the character.(杀死半径1000范围内的所有怪物)

stk9              - to kill all monsters on the map.(杀死地图内所有怪物)

stgod            - makes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential. adds also 50000 money.(除智慧与观察外其他能力值加100或200,同时加50000金钱)

stm or cheatm    - + 10 000 money. (加10000金钱)

stshop            - download shop on the level.(打开商店)



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