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2016-06-28 10:24:17





要编辑球员所属的队伍,从options menu进入roster control,就可以编辑。把以下这11个人编到一个队伍里吧。(前面是名字,后面是他本来所属的队伍)

Chris Davis - Orioles

Miguel Cabrera - Tigers

Mike Trout - Angels

Felix Hernandez - Mariners

Yu Darvish - Rangers

Jose Altuve - Astros

Craig Kimbrel - Braves

David Wright - Mets

Paul Goldschmidt - Diamondbacks

Yasiel Puig - Dodgers

Stephen Strasburg - Nationals

要编辑球员的数值,从options menu进入create&edit player,把刚刚你编辑后的队伍里面球员的数值全部调整到最大。记得保存更改后的roster,save roster。可以再DATA UTILITY里面的SAVE MENU找到。


最后,不要忘记调整game sliders。功能是调整比赛时AI和玩家的倾向,非常有用。这个可以在比赛前或者比赛中暂停修改。在比赛前进入OPTIONS MENU下面的USER SETTING里面可以修改GAME SLIDERS。


Human Contact

Human Power

Human Timing

Human Solid Hits

Human Starter Stamina

Human Pitcher Control

Human Pitcher Consistency

Baserunner Speed

Baserunner Steal Ability

Baserunner Steal Frequency

Human Strike Frequency


CPU Contact

CPU Power

CPU Timing

CPU Solid Hits

CPU Pickoffs

CPU Foul Frequency

Fielder Run Speed

Fielder Reaction

Fielder Arm Strength

好,现在进入EXHIBITION GAME,选择自己编辑好的2个队伍,开始比赛吧。比赛中途不能换队(SWITCH TEAMS),保存退出(SAVE AND EXIT),快进(FAST FORWARD),使用PLAYER LOCK,否则你得不到奖杯。一句话,选好队伍开始比赛,就关注比赛吧,按部就班完成比赛。


1、Chris "Crush" Davis

Chris "Crush" Davis

In any game mode with Chris Davis, have a 2 home run, 5 RBI performance in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用CHRIS DAVIS单场打出2个全垒打,5个打点。必须在完整9局比赛完成。我上面有提到过的那些影响拿奖杯的因素都不要用。以后很多奖杯都有这个要求,后面就不一一啰嗦了。

HOME RUN是全垒打,就是把球打到场外,让防守方拿不到球。RBI是打点,就是你这个球员打出的这一球能够帮助球队获得的分数。

把CHRIS DAVIS放到第4棒(在BATTING ORDER里面调整)。这样安排的原因是如果前三棒都成功上垒,那么CHRIS DAVIS第4棒上垒若打出全垒打一次可以棒球队拿到4分,即获得4个RBI。加油吧,用CHRIS DAVIS打出2记全垒打,并通过打击帮助球队拿下5分。


2、Miguel "MC Hammer" Cabrera

In any game mode with Miguel Cabrera, hit 3 home runs while having a perfect day at the plate in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用MIGUEL CABRERA单场打出三个全垒打,同时拥有100%打击率(at bats:hits= 1:1)。

这个可能是最难得奖杯了。简单来讲,就是用MIGUEL CABRERA打出3个全垒打,同时保证100%打击率。最简单的办法就是用他打出3个全垒打以后用替补把他换下直到比赛结束。

所以,编辑MIGUEAL成为第一棒,选择作为客队,如果他没打出全垒打,RESTART游戏。(或者如果你有信心,他打出安打你继续等着后面慢慢来也行)。另外,如果比赛开始后,有强风,STRONG WIND,那么去调整SLIDER 里面的WIND SLIDER 到最大。如果没有遇到一个STRONG WIND的比赛,完全退出比赛再开新游戏。(RESTART GAME不会改变风力,所以要完全退出再开新游戏)。

当MIGUEL CABRERA打出三个全垒打(这位仁兄期间没有打出其他任何球,或者打出的其他球全部是安打,at bats:hits=1:1),赶紧用替补把他换下吧,保证他别再有机会上场了。熬到比赛结束吧。

3、Mike "The Millville Meteor" Trout

In any game mode with Mike Trout, hit for the cycle and steal a base in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用MIKE TROUT单场打出一垒,二垒,三垒安打和全垒打,再盗个垒。

在MLB13里面,我是通过手动控制球员跑垒(L1按着不动?SORRY 我忘记了)来获得指定垒的安打。比如我击球比较远同时判断不会在落地前被防守方接住,我可能会按L1(我忘记是否这个按钮了,等我玩了我会更正)不放,控制跑垒者直接跑到3垒(因为三垒安打比较难打出,AI自己跑垒一般就二垒了。)来拿到三垒安打。一垒,二垒安打都比较好拿,全垒打也比较好拿,毕竟修改了数据。



4、"King" Felix Hernandez

In any game mode with Felix Hernandez, allow no earned runs and strike out 9 while earning the win. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

在单场比赛中用FELIX HERNANDEZ投球让9个球员出局,同时保证他没有失分并赢得比赛,。

这个应该比较简单。用FELIX HERNANDEZ不断的投出三振吧,9个对手球员出局应该最快在第三局结束时可以完成,注意不要用他丢分了。

5、Yu "Brother Dal" Darvish

In any game mode with Yu Darvish, throw 7 complete innings, strike out 14 en route to the win. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用YU DARVISH在单场比赛中投满7局,同时让14名打者被三振出局,并赢得比赛。

由于修改了数值,所以体力不成问题,投满全场应该都没问题。让14名打者出局就是不停的三振吧,最快在第5局完成。可以把 pitching difficulty设成Rookie。

6、Jose "Gigante" Altuve

In any game mode with Jose Altuve, get 3 hits and steal 3 bases in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

在单场比赛中用JOSE ALTUVE打出3支安打,盗3个垒。

这估计是最简单的奖杯了。JOSE ALTUVE上场时先打出安打上垒,然后盗下一垒,然后继续。就这样。盗垒上面好像说过,但是按键要验证一下,是L1还是L2,我要玩玩才知道。

7、Craig "Blitzcraig" Kimbrel

In any game mode with Craig Kimbrel, strike out 3 batters and earn the save in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用CRAIG KIMBREL在一场比赛中作为替补投手出场,三振3名对方打者,同时守住领先获得胜利。(SAVE的意思是:在本方领先三分或者更少,替补投手在最后一局上场防守住对方进攻,赢得比赛。或者不管本方领先多少,替补投手在最后三局上场,最后赢得比赛。)

在一场比赛满足SAVE出现的条件下(领先三分或以下,本方开始最后一局的防守;或者不论本方领先多少,开始倒数第三局的防守),将CRAIG KIMBREL换上作为投手,守住领先优势,获得比赛胜利。

8、David "Captain America" Wright

In any game mode with David Wright, hit 2 doubles, a triple, and a home run in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用DAVID WRIGHT在单场比赛中打出2支二垒安打,1支三垒安打,1支全垒打。

三垒安打比较看RP,由于修改了数值,二垒和全垒打都比较容易。 建议手动控制跑垒,当打出疑似二垒安打时,按住L1或者L2(我不记得了,要查)不动,控制球员直接跑到三垒停下,故意制造出三垒安打。可以用上面提到的无限加时赛延长比赛的办法。

9、Paul "America's First Baseman" Goldschmidt

In any game mode with Paul Goldschmidt, collect 4 hits, drive in 4 RBI, and score 4 runs in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用PAUL GOLDSCHMIDT在单场比赛中打出4记安打(包含全垒打),通过击球得4分(RBI),通过跑垒得到4分。

建议将PAUL GOLDSCHMIDT放在第三棒,这样他会经常上场。可以随时通过查看球员状况查看他是否满足了奖杯要求。我觉得他打出4支全垒打应该就满足了奖杯要求了。

10、Yasiel "The Wild Horse" Puig

In any game mode with Yasiel Puig, hit a double, triple, and steal 2 bases in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用YASIEL PUIG在单场比赛中打出1支二垒安打,1支三垒安打,盗2次垒。


11、Stephen "The Soul Crusher" Strasburg

In any game mode with Stephen Strasburg, strike out 12 and allow no earned runs en route to the win. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.

用STEPHEN STRASBURG在单场中三振出12个球员,同时不失分,获得比赛胜利。




到这里可能已经拿到一些奖杯了。可能“Fence Posts, Extra Win!, Walk Off”这几个奖杯还没拿到。EXTRA WIN和WALK OFF可以在一场比赛中拿到,选择作为主场,然后在加时赢得比赛。FENCE POSTS这奖杯要求你每一局必须拿1分(不能多不能少)。由于VITA没有联机杯,这一步拿完就白金了。

1、Walk Off

In any game mode, win a game on a walk off hit. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.



2、Grand Salami

In any game mode, hit a grand slam. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.




In any game mode, strike out the side with the same out pitch, with the same pitcher. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.




Hit back-to-back HRs in a game (excludes HRD, Practice, and RTTS modes). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.




Strike out a batter looking in any game mode (excludes Practice modes). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.



6、Patience is a Virtue

In any single plate appearance, see 10 or more pitches. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.





Human Foul Frequency

Pitcher Consistency

Pitcher Strike Frequency


Human Contact

Human Timing

CPU Pitcher Control

7.Knock Out Punch

In any game mode, knock out the opponent's starting pitcher before the end of the 3rd inning (excludes any All-Star game). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.


一开始就拼命进攻得分,争取让对手的教练在第三局结束前换下对方投手。可以尝试调整SLIDER:CPU MANAGER HOOK,增加这个可以增加教练换投手的几率。

8、Extras Win!

In any game mode, win a game in extra innings. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.



9、Getting a Piece

In any mode, excluding RTTS, play an entire 9 inning game without striking out. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.



10、Fence Posts

Score a single run in every inning of a full 9 inning game (excludes RTTS). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.



由于改了数值,所以你很容易打出全垒打,1个人还好说,万一垒上有人,就废了。一开始努力先得1分,比如靠第一个人打全垒打,后面故意自杀,这样可以保证一分。如果第一个人只打出了个某个垒的安打,那请调整一下SLIDER的HUMAN POWER,降低全垒打几率,尽量通过安打得到1分,然后自杀。

要拿这个奖杯,你也可以编辑你的球员”POWER VS L/R" 到30左右。如果有人在垒,在比赛中调整POWER SLIDER 到1,2格的位置,如果无人在垒,就调整到最大。


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